March 15, 2022
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® will host its 69th South Atlantic Regional Conference (SARC) from April 13-17, 2022 at the Georgia International Convention Center in College Park, Georgia. This year’s conference theme is “Pearls of Significant Service Exemplifying Excellence.” Nearly 7,000 members from Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina are expected to attend and deliver an economic impact of more than $6.4 million to the local community.
During the SARC, members will focus on five key program target initiatives: HBCU for Life: A Call to Action, Women’s Healthcare and Wellness, Building Economic Legacy, The Arts, and Global Impact.
There are special activities planned for guests and the community, including a block party; celebratory event for members who have served the sorority for twenty-five, fifty, sixty-five, and seventy-five years; a leadership breakfast; undergraduate step show, gospel brunch; and a community-wide COVID-19 and HIV testing service project in partnership with Walgreens.
Hostess chapters for SARC consist of 27 graduate chapters and 15 undergraduate chapters from metro-Atlanta, North Georgia, and Middle Georgia.
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated is the oldest Greek-letter organization established in America by Black women and was founded on January 15, 1908 at Howard University. Led by International President and CEO Dr. Glenda Glover, the organization consists of 300,000 college trained women and more than 1,050 chapters in the United States and internationally in the Caribbean, Canada, Germany, Japan, Korea, and Africa. Under the leadership of Regional Director Carolyn G. Randolph of Columbus, Georgia, the South Atlantic Region has more than 23,000 members and is comprised of 184 graduate and undergraduate chapters.
For more information, visit www.aka1908.com/southatlantic .