Undergraduate Program Theme
R.E.A.C.H. - Resilience. Excellence. Ambition. Connection. Heart. is the 2020-2022 Undergraduate Program Theme under Exemplifying Excellence Through Sustainable Service. As we move forward, the Undergraduate Activities Committee encourages undergraduates to R.E.A.C.H. their highest potential as individuals so the sorority can continue Exemplifying Excellence by exhibiting:
- Hold fast to leading virtual programs that meet the Sorority targets and bring quality content to attendees
- Take care of our physical, mental, and emotional health to be at our performing best for the challenging world we live in
- Channel the strength of our illustrious founders as we seize the day and add to the strong legacy of Alpha Kappa Alpha
- Continues the Administration Theme Exemplifying Excellence Through Sustainable Service we promised to promote as members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®
- Be prime examples of upstanding citizens, engaged students, and hard workers in everyday life
- Increase Excellence program reporting of undergraduate chapters
- Defined as “A strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work.” It is a positive word that we will take ownership of
- Mold members to be leaders within their chapters, campuses, and careers
- We will succeed through planning, organization, and teamwork
- Bridge the transition between undergraduate and graduate membership early for continuity in service
- Leverage online resources to foster relationships while COVID-19 prohibits us from meeting physically
- Be advocates of social justice for members across all communities
- Show consistent sisterly love when we interact with each other
- Increase participation in Sorority-Wide SkeeWeek each semester
- Increase Excellence program reporting of undergraduate chapters
Continue to R.E.A.C.H. your highest potential, so undergraduates can help Alpha Kappa Alpha Exemplify Excellence!