Great Lakes Region donates 2,000 books to Cincinnati area schools

September 11, 2021

Representatives from about 30 elementary schools were on hand receiving the books during a drive-thru distribution process on September 11, 2021, at Evendale Elementary School.

The books were purchased with donations from approximately 3,200 graduate and undergraduate members who at- tended the virtual 90th Great Lakes Regional Conference in the spring.

Carrie J. Clark, Great Lakes Regional Director traveled to the Cincinnati area to participate in the book distribution.

“We know that this is a significant day in our nation. People gave their lives on that tragic day 20 years ago. Giving
back is the least we can do,” said Carrie.The drive was hosted by the Phi Psi Omega Chapter in Forest Park, Ohio.

The book drive was a way to enrich chil- dren’s educational experiences, especial- ly in underserved areas, and the books are for students ranging from Pre-kin- dergarten to 6th grade.

“We selected books written by African American authors that have African American themes,” said Carolyn Patton, president of Phi Psi Omega Chapter. “It’s important for children to see positive cul- tural images at a young age to build not only their reading and comprehension skills, but also their self-esteem.”