Prayers for Benton Harbor

September 22, 2021

Iota Iota Omega Chapter participated in a water distribution event at Harbor of Hope Church in Benton Harbor, MI in November. The water crisis is due to accelerated levels of lead being found in the water. The state of Michigan has been shipping truckloads of water for the residents of Benton Harbor. The United Way of Southwest Michigan is asking for people to volunteer their time to get the water distributed. Iota Iota Omega gladly stepped up to help with water distribution and plans to do so again in the future as they are expecting this crisis to last for 18 months.

Several chapters across the Great Lakes Region have already reached out to Iota Iota Omega Chapter to find out what they can do. If your chapter would also like to help, please contact Charmae Sanders Of course, we will be praying for the residents of Benton Harbor, that they will get the resources and the infrastructure needed to eliminate this crisis. We will also be praying for the health and safety of the young children, in particular, that there will be a hedge of protection around them and that the lead will not be able to harm them.