Undergraduate Roundup & Leadership Conference Highlighted Outstanding Achievement

September 13, 2021

The theme was “Being About the Business of Excellence: Young, Black and Thriv- ing” with guest speaker - Sonia Jackson Myles. Sonia is the Founder, President & CEO of The Sister Accord® Foundation and Founder & CEO of The Accord Group LLC.

Special thanks to 24th Great Lakes Re- gional Director, Soror Rachel Ashburn Mallory, 27th Great Lakes Regional Di- rector Soror Charlene Truitt Nelson and 28th Great Lakes Regional Director Soror Toni S. Kendrick for spending time with the participants in break out rooms for in-depth conversations about their roles.

Soror Carrie J. Clark congratulated un- dergraduate Sorors for receiving Rise Up Excellence Scholarship. Recipients included Racquel Jones, Bowling Green State University, Mackenzie Lee, Miami University, Kennedy McCullers, Michi- gan State University, and Nakia Smalls, University of Buffalo. The conference also highlighted the Great Lakes Region, AKA Scholars, that received a GPA of 4.0!

The following foundations contributed to the awards: Pearls & Ivy Foundation, Service Build- ers Foundation, 15 Pearls and a Promise Foun- dation and Tolling for an Education Foundation. In addition, each winning soror received a lap- top computer thanks to the efforts and support of the Great Lakes Regional Sponsorship Com- mittee led by Soror Jacquie Jordan.

Outstanding leadership was displayed by the Great Lakes Regional Undergraduate Activities Committee Chairman Soror Toyonna Robbins and Co-Chairman Soror Vanessa Coakley, along with our Undergraduate Chairmen Soror LaR- honda Richardson, Sigma Zeta Chapter, and So- ror Johari Summerville, Beta Eta Chapter and all of the undergraduate sorors who stepped up to assist with all aspects of the conference.